About my Yoga Classes

Yoga- Flow

Class Schedule

  • Thursday 5:45 pm · Soul Flow @ Soul Tree Yoga

Available in-person & online. If you can’t make it live, register to get the recording.

About my Classes.


Yoga led me to inhabit my body in a way I never had before, my practice taught me to love myself and through teaching, I finally found my voice.  I aim to inspire this on the mat, bringing seamless sequences with a unique blend of foundational principles, ritual, and movement based on nature and the 5 elements.  

A Catalyst.

My acupuncture training is a catalyst for planning my classes as there is so much to harness through the Five-Element theory. With this, classes are aligned with the seasons to help us be in flow with nature and ultimately with our true selves.

Holistic Approach.

Many of us live busy lives so I aim to incorporate a physical workout, mental sweep, and spiritual connection into our 60 minutes together.  My classes inspire students to find inner guidance, to strengthen and heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

My intention and hope are that we can all embody our practice off the mat, both for ourselves & as an offering to the world as it lives through us. 

Credentials + Experience

  • E-RYT 200, E-RYT 300

  • Pilates Mat Certification

  • Thai Yoga Massage Certified

  • Silver Sneakers Yoga

  • Off the Mat into the World Leadership Training

  • Urban Priestess

  • Soul Tree Yoga Founder, & owner from 1/10/10 to 5/1/21

  • Developed a successful 200 hr YTT curriculum (currently being led by other teachers)

  • Led numerous retreats  (Panama, Belize, Mexico)